Port Angeles High School Physical Education Uniform Policy 2009-10



·        All students will wear Port Angeles PE Uniform or it will be a non-suit with NO participation and credit.  If the student refuses to borrow a loaner uniform he/she will be referred to the office.


·        The 1st week of school is a “grace period.” 

            Uniforms are required by Monday, Sept. 8.


·        The shirt and shorts must have the “Port Angeles Phys. Ed.” Logo

Uniforms are available only at Swains in P.A.

o   Ash t-shirt with or without sleeves…logo on front

§  NO altered sleeves

o   Black cotton or mesh shorts… logo on one of legs

§  Length… at or above the knees and below mid thigh (no rolling up shorts or “sagging”)


·        Black sweatpants will be allowed.

o   No spandex-type allowed

o   Sweatshirts (gray/black/green) only allowed during warm-up & stretching.


·        A penalty will be imposed for borrowing uniform from teachers (after 3 times)


·                                See your PE teacher for educational funds for students that qualify


·        Reasons for implementing the uniform policy.

o   Dress code adherence

o   Hygiene

o   Safety

o   State Health & Fitness guidelines

o   Integrate with the middle schools and their uniform policy